The science of flourishing
& the roi of care

We are a Community of Professionals creating Compassionate Human Experiences and frameworks of Flourishing through Product & Organizational Culture Design.

The world has changed.

VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) conditions dominate all aspects of our world today - the most savvy organizations will respond with products and cultures that generate flourishing, empathy, compassion, and belonging.

"Soft Skills" are the new essential skills for individuals, and for leadership. They are table stakes for organizational culture, and they are anything but “soft”. Flourishing is formidable, and takes strength to stay stabilized in that state.

Compassionate human experience and frameworks of flourishing create ROI. Value is generated when people are psychologically safe and can take risks without harm. Just ask Google.

Compassion and empathy are scientifically validated. Scientific research has proven that our pro-sociality is inherent to human neurobiology.

We believe the time has come to embrace this understanding of the inherent need of supporting pro-sociality for better business through human flourishing and, more importantly, for a better world.

ChieF FLourishing Officer Learning Journey

Compassion 2.0 is proud to announce our first cohort of our “Chief Flourishing Officer Learning Journey” starting November 7th, 2024.

This is a 5-year learning journey starting with year 1 for 24-30 participant organizational practitioners (CXOs, People professionals, marketers, and more) to join our researchers (neuroscientists, economists, behavioral scientists, organizational psychologists and more) and practitioners (people professionals, product developers, and more) to explore both the Science of Flourishing interventions and products and the tangible, measurable Return on Investment of Care-based organizations.

Humans that are flourishing create organizations that flourish.

Compassion 2.0 is a thought leadership& Innovation community

  • Salons

    Compassion 2.0 hosts Salons on specialized topics related to compassionate human experience and frameworks of flourishing. We bring together a cross-disciplinary group of professionals to explore the topics, build relationships, and hold space for emergence among our participants.

  • Innovation

    Compassion 2.0 partners with leading neuroscientists, behavioral scientists, social psychologists, economists and others to understand the “parameters of flourishing” and how to measure the in both product and organizational culture design.

Upcoming Salons


Next Compassion 2.0 Event:

OCTOBER 23rd & 24th
San Francisco, CA

Product Development that drives Compassionate human experience

Interested in speaking or exhibiting?

flourishing+psychedelics 2024

Upcoming Compassion 2.0 Event:

December 5th & 6th
San Francisco, CA

A 2-day CONFERENCE exploring: Individual Flourishing Architecture |
Neuroscience Science of Psychedelics | Products & Interventions | Practices & Pathways

This event will focus on the Flourishing frameworks that Psychedelics and Compounds can provide to those who are seeking greater spiritual and mental liberation and exploration. We are curating the agenda right now. Are you interested in speaking or assisting? Get in touch with us.

Inner development goals

Upcoming Compassion 2.0 Event:

january 15th - 16th 2025
San Francisco, CA



Compassion 2.0 BERLIN

Next Compassion 2.0 Event:

April 15th-17th 2025
berlin, germany

A 2-day CONFERENCE exploring: Flourishing culture design & architecture | the ROI of Care and business case| Compassionate Product design | Neuroscience & Behavior Science

Interested in speaking or exhibiting?


get in touch with us about our activities

Want to learn more and get in touch with someone? Are you interested in being a Thought Leader and/or speaking at our events? Want to become a commercial partner? Fill out this form and a human being will be back in touch with you.